Maximising Motorised Solutions in Your Home

Home automation in Australia is on the rise. Find out how to enhance security, comfort and convenience using motorised solutions in your home.

Home automation in Australia is on the rise, with more families realising the value in motorisation, smart speakers and other ways to enhance their lifestyle.

As the number of appliances and products that feature smart technology increases, how can you connect your home through motorised solutions and automation?

Enhancing privacy with motorised window coverings

Home automation goes hand-in-hand with home security and privacy. Products like motorised blinds can be used on windows both internally and externally, to afford complete control over privacy and temperature in your house. Best of all - they can be managed using a single remote control powered by Somfy, or using voice control.

Blinds, curtains and awnings work in the same way. Homeowners can set them to open in the mornings and close at a certain time, saving you time and ensuring they suit your lifestyle. All Somfy-motorised window coverings can be operated remotely, so even when you’re not at home, you’re able to set a schedule to create the impression that you are.

Build a smart home for more connectivity and better efficiency

Connecting smart technology around your home with smart speakers makes for more connectivity and increased convenience. With contactless technology, you can now tell Amazon Alexa or your Google Assistant when to operate your window coverings, by saying something as simple as “Alexa, blinds up.”

Smart home technology lets us think differently about how we control aspects like light, shade and temperature in our homes. Easy to set up and tailor to your lifestyle, Australia’s homeowners can improve their home’s energy efficiency and save on bills. Simply adding external blinds to your windows can reduce your home’s heating and cooling by nearly 45%!

Setting sensors for maximum comfort

Somfy’s timers and sensors help you maintain your home just the way you like it - without much effort on your part. Sensors can detect changes in temperature conditions and can retract or roll out awnings and other coverings to keep the heat out in summer and the cold out in winter.

Motorised internal blinds and curtains can also be fitted with a sun sensor, and can be programmed to “wake up” the house when the sun reaches a set level, and to automatically adjust the slats on Venetian blinds to reduce the amount of light and heat that’s allowed in.

Contact your local Somfy Expert

Somfy’s providers have the automation knowledge and expertise to help you get the most out of your motorised products around the home. Whatever you want to achieve - from more security to convenience and comfort - they can discuss Somfy solutions that suit you and your family.

Fill out our form to get in touch with your local Somfy Expert today.

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