External Venetian Blinds - Everything You Need To Know

A homeowners guide to external venetian blinds. Find out how easy it is to add motorisation to your home with SOM Blinds and Somfy.

Are you thinking about getting External Venetian blinds installed? Some say that they’re superior to other types of blinds and others say that they can reduce your monthly energy consumption, but what exactly can they do for your home? To save you precious time, we’ve compiled everything you need to know about external Venetians and why they are a great option for your home. Let’s get started.

What is an external Venetian blind?

Venetian blinds are made up of flat, horizontal slats suspended on a ladder of cords. An external Venetian blind is installed in front of the window onto the facade of your home. They are called ‘Venetian’ blinds because they originated in Venice in the 18th century. What’s interesting about the origin, however, is that the Italians were not the first to make use of horizontal slats over their windows. Using a similar system, the Egyptians created them from reeds and the Chinese from bamboo. Fast forward to the present day, and external Venetian blinds are now a popular window treatment that is used all over the world.

Do external Venetians add value to your home?

External Venetians can play a role in adding value to your home. They are custom made to fit your windows and match the colour of your facade. Homes that are personalised with high-quality fixtures in this way, instantly gain more value and they make a positive, memorable impact on potential buyers.

Why motorise your external Venetians

Automating—or motorising—your blinds helps ensure you get the most value from them. The obvious advantage is the convenience of integrating them with your smart home system. Even if you don’t have a smart setup in place yet, you can still take advantage of the convenience automation offers. Here are five reasons why we recommend motorising your external Venetians:

1. Light control

If you love sunlight, then you’ll love external Venetians. They can let in natural light without heating up your inside areas too much, providing you with the best of both worlds. Simply lower, raise, or tilt the slats to adjust the amount of light coming in. While the light filters through, the glare stays out, also making them ideal for work-from-home spaces.

2. Thermal control

External blinds are installed onto the front of the window, which means that sunlight gets to the blinds first before reaching the glass. By adjusting the slats, you’re in full control of how much warmth you let into your home.

3. Energy savings

If an energy-efficient home design is a priority, then external Venetians are a must-have. As discussed above, external blinds help minimise heat transfer in and out of your home and they provide you with ample light control. These two factors both have an impact on the amount of energy you use. With external Venetians, you won’t need to use your heaters, lamps, and fixtures as often and this can result in a lower utility bill.

4. Increased security

Having motorised blinds means that you can control them remotely. Once they are set on a timer, automated external Venetians are a very useful feature for when you’re away on business or holiday. Your home will appear occupied to outsiders and you can travel with one less thing to worry about.

5. Protection against sun damage

Seeing your beloved heirlooms, furniture, and decor pieces fade and age prematurely is disheartening. To prevent your belongings from sun damage, motorised blinds—when used with sun sensors—can be programmed to tilt their blades during the hottest times of the day, with zero effort from you! This helps to keep your treasured items in mint condition for many years to come.

You can’t go wrong with external Venetian blinds

It’s clear to see how external Venetians can offer you the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics for your home. We work with a number of external Venetian blind specialists and installers, including SOM Blinds in Melbourne. SOM Blinds can also assist with automation, helping you to integrate your motorised blinds with your home automation system or mobile device, for added comfort and ease to your lifestyle.

For a full list of our Somfy Experts and installers, contact us today.

Image credit: 
Photographer - Jack Lovel
Architect - Ben Callery


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